From Ms Renee Lane: I realized that if he were to achieve his goal of complete surrender he would not be the only one who needed to change. I had to be less merciful and more exacting and cruel. We experimented. We set up rules…
It’s fine to proceed slowly when establishing your Female Led Relationship. But never go backwards.
High Seas
Legal frameworks make it difficult to implement a true system of Matriarchy within most countries. Some people have looked at maritime law as an alternative – perhaps the High Seas would provide the venue? Apparently, whatever port the vessel is registered with, maintains legal sovereignty…
Mona Eltahawy, a prominent feminist in the Arabic-Muslim world, talks to us about sources of oppression for women – the state, the street and the home – and how the feminist struggle should not focus on attaining equality, but on destroying the patriarchy.
For the most part, our personalities don’t change much. Many women with dominant personalities say their urge to control, dominate or humiliate men goes back to their childhood, but acting on those urges was supressed for years (or even decades) due to the overwhelming patriarchal…
To my mind (as a male) this would likely be counter productive. The possibility of cage removal focuses a man’s mind sharply on continuing to be on his best behaviour and doing all he can to please his woman. Surely this motivation reduces if there…
Give in to Her
Female Led Relationships come in many different forms. Careful what you wish for. You might unleash something quite unexpected.
Women should feel empowered to take men’s humiliation to the extent of their greedy sadistic heart. A woman should never ignore the opportunities that the good Goddess offers.