Big Plans

Ms Renee Lane has big plans for social change. Here is a message from her:

I have always been loathe to open up about my final goals concerning FLR, Ms V, the book, the movie, etc. It seems silly to publicly announce big plans If I can’t get men to read one short book. Especially, if I can’t get men who say they are submissive to read one short freakin book. With that reality spitting me in the eye, my vision seems too much like fantasy to mention it without guffaws. Nevertheless, I keep marching slowly forward. First imagine a Mother House that joins with women in the media, entertainment, and politics, to begin changing how we view the choices women have about how to manage their relationships with men. We can do better. FLR will eventually be on the acceptable menu for women. Next, picture one large estate where the limits of female authority and male consent can be pushed. Then think of a village…… What can you do? Read the book, take a class, donate to the movie. If you are brave, become a Knight. ………………. Finally a safe place for women to live.

For more information about the book and the movie, go to Donate a few bucks to help make the movie.

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