Taking charge
My fantasy. Ladies – how do you manage discipline and control in your relationship?
My fantasy. Ladies – how do you manage discipline and control in your relationship?
If you are truly interested in being more respectful towards women, here’s a really good “5 simple ways” article that covers the basics and provides helpful examples. Please check it out. It’s only a 10 minute read and I guarantee you will learn something useful…
Dear fellow male subs. Start thinking about how you can empower and serve women in meaningful ways in your everyday life. Who knows. It may just deliver the lifestyle you dream about. Comment below about what you have done in the last week to put…
The women of the Queendom are sneaking up on the Patriarchy. Don’t worry. They’ll be gentle with you.
You are either a worthless kinkster who will never have a Domme and who only looks at pictures or you are a man on a mission who takes an active part in the revolution. The latter eventually finds a Domme to serve. Which man are…
As your Mistress forms relationships with other women you should expect things to change. It did for Butler. Read what happened. Go to http://artvamp.com/femdomfilm/
Don’t think for a second that our revolution will be confined to the bedroom or the kinky games a couple may play. This lifestyle will spill over into how society operates. Will men betray their own gender and work for its overthrow?
Most submissive men are looking for the wrong thing. They see an aggressive bitchy woman and get excited. She is probably NOT dominant. She is probably just a bitch. One needed personality trait in a dominant female is empathy. They don’t always dress in leather.…
Our goal is to make Female Led Relationships as socially acceptable as gay marriage. We want to empower women. You can help us by signing up for Ms V’s wonderful updates. We want to show investors that there exists a large audience for a movie…
Sometimes it feels like you are not advancing. You feel stuck. What I have learned about this life is that, if you are faithful, your hard work will pay off in unexpected ways. Imagine water dripping into a large container. From the outside, it looks…
Some of you will start as weekend servants. That’s a good thing. It will likely NOT be kinky at first. This is an experience you will have to earn. Concentrate on the work. The kink will follow once she feels empowered. Start the wheel spinning.